9. A family

 If I must write about a member of my family, I would write about my maternal grandmother Hortensia, she must be the most sincere, humble and generous person I have ever know. La lela, or the mami, was that tender grandmother that all the movies show, she was always there, she cooking things, she took care of us and played with us (my sister and me), she always spoiled us and gave us presents or knitted clothes.

I think there are several things that I liked about her, in general the acts of service to the community and being so detached with money, although at some point everything was very linked to the church (something I donn't entirely share), she was always favor of helping with food or goods to others, for example she encouraged in the church, a system where wealthier people gave away boxes of goods to the neighbors of the populatioon, and distributed or managed this system., without getting anything in return. 

our relationship was always very good, for a long time I was the youngest granddaughter, so I was the most loving, I was always with her and she always spoildes me, I remember her very fondly, and I miss those moments, if at soe point I become a grandmother, I would like to be like her, and be affectionate and understating with my grandchildren. 


  1. From what you write, you can tell that he was a good person!! <3 (i also call my grandmothers like "mami")


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